Tammy For School Board
Vermillion SD
Vote Monday-Friday, regular business hours on May 22nd - June 5th at the High School Admin Office (Front door, take your first right). Ask for a School Board ballot.
Also, you can vote at the armory on June 6th.
Vermillion is a beautiful community and I am proud to call this town my home. I hope you vote for Tammy Clodfelter for the Vermillion School Board. Please vote at the Vermillion High School during school hours from May 22nd to June 6th.
What are my qualifications that would help me serve as a Vermillion School Board member?
I have two children in the Vermillion School District. I am also a School Psychologist for a large nearby school district and a veteran with tours in Iraq where I served as behavioral health specialist. My work allows me to help identify children who need specialized learning accommodations and curriculums. I am able to help find solutions to any gaps in a child's education. I am also a resource to help develop crisis management plans for children in my district. I am also active in our community serving local organizations such as our local Church, the Youth Wrestling Club, and more.
Why am I running for the Vermillion School Board?
I am running so that I can support the students, parents, teachers and the community in my home town.
I view the role as a member of School Board as non partisan, wonderfully positioned away from the national politics that dominate our news cycles. We should be thinking about our kids, not about what popular culture wants for our kids. We have many improvements slated for Vermillion in the near future, and many drastic cultural changes. I want to be among the voices that help guide our school district into our community's future.
My Qualifications
School Psychologist in a large nearby school district.
Mother of two kids in the Vermillion School District.
National Guard Veteran with a tour in Iraq as a behavioral health specialist
Active in local Vermillion programs and organizations.
If you live in Vermillion SD, I would like to have your vote! Please message me to discuss your concerns and hopes on school board politics.
Also, email me if you would be willing to do me the favor of putting a sign in your yard or donate to my campaign funds.
Register to vote! May 22nd is the deadline to register for this election.
To Register: You can visit the Auditor's office in the Clay County Courthouse at 211 West Main Street, Suite 200 or visit the South Dakota Secretary of State's website.
Absentee voting starts May 22, 2023.
Early voting starts May 22, 2023.
Election Day: June 6, 2023
Websites: https://sdsos.gov/ and https://www.claycountysd.org/auditorelections.cfm